What's the result?
Our target is to create a simple app to send a data message to the tangle, using the IOTA client.
Let's write a User Story
As a user, I want to use an app to create a message and tag it, so that I can then send it to the tangle. I also want to be able to find my tag and message in the tangle in order to check if the data was sent correctly.
Acceptance Criteria:
- The app should provide a user-friendly interface for creating and sending messages.
- The app should allow me to enter the content of the message.
- The app should have a field where I can add a tag to the message.
- The app should have a button to send the message and the tag to the tangle.
- Message and tag are sent as Block with Tagged Data Payload.
- The app should store the tag, message and block id.
- The app should provide a list of the sent tagged data blocks.
- The app should allow to open the tangle explorer for a selected list item.
Note: It is assumed that the user is using the Shimmer Network.
Describing the UI and Screen Flow
An image speaks louder than a thousand words...

Screen flow of simple app
Github Repository
You will find the complete source code from the video in this repository: