What's the result?

Our target is to create a simple app to send a data message to the tangle, using the IOTA client.


Let's write a User Story

As a user, I want to use an app to create a message and tag it, so that I can then send it to the tangle. I also want to be able to find my tag and message in the tangle in order to check if the data was sent correctly.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The app should provide a user-friendly interface for creating and sending messages.
  2. The app should allow me to enter the content of the message.
  3. The app should have a field where I can add a tag to the message.
  4. The app should have a button to send the message and the tag to the tangle.
  5. Message and tag are sent as Block with Tagged Data Payload.
  6. The app should store the tag, message and block id.
  7. The app should provide a list of the sent tagged data blocks.
  8. The app should allow to open the tangle explorer for a selected list item.

Note: It is assumed that the user is using the Shimmer Network.

Describing the UI and Screen Flow

An image speaks louder than a thousand words...

Screen Flow

Screen flow of simple app

Github Repository

You will find the complete source code from the video in this repository:

πŸ‘‰ Β  Repository - Simple App complete